
Kingdom Hearts the Titanic Thirteen

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Kingdom Hearts the Titanic Thirteen

Part 24

Xavier could not be reconciled after what happened that day, even though his closest friends had done everything they could to cheer him up. Sakura mentioned to him once that he should try to look at the glass half-full; if he hadn’t acted at that pinnacle moment, thousands more lives could have been lost.

He didn’t speak to her for a week after that.

Worse yet, he blamed himself for the disheartening affair, and took it upon himself to train harder than before, bordering on recklessness. Even workout fanatics like Guy-sensei were slightly distressed by this new behavior.

After two weeks, Xavier had completed his training that had been interrupted previously by the attack at the outpost. Word had just been received from Hogwarts Herbology Professor Ponoma Sprout that the dreaded Lord Voldemort had been vanquished, his Death Eaters routed and the Brotherhood’s hold on the world diminished. Jafar, Shan-Yu and Fire Lord Ozai had also been destroyed once again. These tidings of victory did nothing to lift Xavier’s spirits nor shake his resolve on the decision he had made regarding his future.

The day after his training ended, just past ten o’clock in the morning, Xavier relaxed from the meditating position he had been in for the last hour and a half. He had been musing over his next course of action for a while; now his mind had been made up. Someone knocked at the door to his private room.

“Enter.” He pronounced in a mechanical tone. The door slid open, and Spyro walked in.

“Hey Xavier. I was just about to have a late breakfast. Care to join me?” The young man shook his head.

“No thanks.” Spyro’s grin gradually disappeared.

“Something wrong?” Xavier kept his eyes to the floor.

“No sir. Nothing’s wrong. I’m just…not hungry right now.” His friend sat beside him.
“C’mon pal, talk to me. I can tell you’re bothered; there’s no use trying to hide it.” Sighing heavily, the dragon’s disciple voiced the hateful feelings that had taken root in his heart when he watched K.H.P.F. Secondary Outpost Number 4 dissolve into scrap metal and mangled corpses.

When Xavier finished speaking, Spyro’s face had gone through many expressions: surprise, confusion, and sadness, but his eyes continuously shone with sympathy and understanding. Even though he was a young dragon, the god of war had distributed plenty of anguish and sorrow in his life as a reward of what he had witnessed on the field of battle. He gently wrapped a wing around Xavier’s shoulders.

“Believe it or not, I know how you feel. What you saw that day is the same thing I see every time I’m about to get onto a transport ship, and it doesn’t matter if I’m being relocated to another safe house or another warfront.” He let the silence have a turn in helping the depressed youth cope with the problems he faced. “I remember the first battle I ever fought after joining the Force. At first, I was excited at being able to fight something other than another dragon…” What began as a ripple of disappointment in Spyro’s subconscious rose to a towering wave of shame and regret, flowing from his mouth in bitterness. “And, don’t tell this to anyone…but I still have nightmares about it. I nearly wailed like a newborn when it was finally over. About five battles later, I got used to it: the screaming, the gunfire, the explosions; they didn’t faze me anymore. Can’t say the same for everyone else though.” Removing his wing, Spyro drove the point home. “I guess what I’m really trying to say is…don’t let it bother you.” Xavier’s glare refused to intimidate him.

“And exactly how would I do that? It’s my fault that they died, nothing can change that. I could have, should have done more, but I didn’t, and now the organization’s lost a good amount of its army. All because of-”

“Don’t say another word.”

Appalled that he had been interrupted, Xavier looked up. Right into his mentor’s draconic eyes. “I’m only going to say this once, so you’d better be listening. Stop blaming yourself, right now. The destruction of that base was not your fault, understand? It. Was. Not. Your. Fault. No one is to blame. As much as I hate to say it, things like that happen, especially when there’s a galaxy-sized war going on and you’re smack dab in the middle of it. If anything, blame the Brotherhood and the Heartless; they were the ones that started this whole mess.” Now Spyro’s red-hot determination settled into cool blue composure.

“I know it’s tough, and things are only going to get tougher, but the best thing we can do at this point is not to lie down and give up. Those soldiers gave their lives for a good cause, and we have to be the ones to keep that cause going. For them, for us, and for everyone else who’s in need of a hero. The question is…are you willing to be that hero?”
For a while, neither of them said anything; they just sat there, staring into each other’s eyes. Then Xavier’s hands balled into fists, his brow furrowed, his jaw set, and the will to keep on fighting reignited with a new passion.

“Yes sir!”

The reptile’s face split into a relieved grin. “Good to hear. So, you still wanna join me for breakfast?”

Xavier stood. “It would be my pleasure, sir. Lead the way.”


Aragorn and Gandalf were in deep conversation about the blight concerning the military strength of the K.H.P.F. with the Commander in Chief of the Soul Society’s stealth division, Soi Fon, and Sokka, a now high-ranking strategist alongside Shikamaru Nara.
“No, Aragorn. It matters not whether we would assault the Dark Lord’s fortress in Mordor with a full-scale attack or infiltration; it would be too dangerous.”

“Besides,” added Soi Fon, “we already tried sending in recon teams to gather information, and so far none of the eighty-four attempts have been successful. They’ve either died, been captured, or escaped with their sanity’s barely intact.”

Sokka buried his face in his hands. “And as if things could get bad enough, that disaster two weeks ago has destroyed almost a third of our entire army! If we don’t think of something soon, we’ll be in hot water faster than you can say firebending.”

The group pondered profusely for a solution, but after fifteen minutes of brainstorming, all they’d come up with were three sore throats, five twitching eyes, a pulsating temple, a migraine, and a bleeding nose after Sokka had slammed his face into the table in frustration. Just when they were about ready to have another go, there came a knock at the door.

“Ye- *cough cough* Yes?” Lord Aragorn managed to croak. A leopard addressed him upon entry.

“Sire, I have been asked by the hero Xavier himself to deliver to you and Mithrandir a message. He wishes to hold an audience with the Kingdom Hearts Protection Force’s leaders. By his tone, it seemed urgent.” The wizard, king, samurai and warrior were in quandary for little more than a second. Gondor’s ruler responded swiftly.

“Then we shall arrange accordingly. Please inform him that a council will be held in Room 216 of the South Wing at half past.” The feline nodded in acknowledgement and hurried to fulfill his request. Once it had gone, Aragorn faced the others. “Soi Fon, Sokka…relay my decision to the remaining overseers. Gandalf…”

His friend nodded seriously. “I shall accompany you to the council chamber. There is still a grave matter we need to discuss.” They rose from the table, Sokka still pinching his nose, and departed in haste. Gandalf made certain the corridor was empty, save for him and his companion, before whispering to his long-time friend in earnest. “I fear for the safety of Middle-Earth Aragorn, as I’m certain you do. But I also fear what may become of this bold trek through war and cataclysm, especially the segments which involve our brave, young hero.” Aragorn peered at him in suspicion.

“I do not understand, Mithrandir. The boy is strong, noble, courageous, and his heart is consumed with light. What is there to worry?” The old wizard sowed.

“I have sensed…something in his heart, something powerful, but it feels darker than his other emotions; it has ensnared men less than him more times than I dare to recall when a recent tragedy has befallen them, even driving them to the brink of madness. I pray sincerely that I am wrong.” Aragorn was thoroughly shaken; if this concerned their one and only hope of victory, it was clearly a subject worthy of notice.

“W-whatever could you mean? What could possess Xavier that would cause him to go mad?” Upon hearing the answer, the man’s blood froze in his veins.



Meanwhile, the topic of this conversation was anxiously drumming his fingers on the armrest of his chair. He’d left for the predetermined area as soon as Kilan, the leopard whom he’d asked to deliver the message, told him, and had been waiting for 3:30 to arrive with ever-growing impatience.

“Man, they sure are taking their time getting here. If I didn’t have to get their approval for everything, I’d already be-”.

“Hmm, now isn’t this a surprise. He’s early.”

Xavier gasped in shock. Looking behind him, he saw the heads of the organization file into the room. One by one they took their seats, until all thirteen were occupied.

“Ahem.” Master Shifu of the Jade Palace cleared his throat. “As requested, we have gathered here to hold council with Xavier, formerly of Earth, and respected defender of the worlds.” All eyes fixed on the recipient. “I believe that you have a matter you wish to discuss?” He nodded, slowly got up from his position and spoke.

“Yes sir. If you would let me, I would like to…” He faltered. Everyone leaned forward.
“Yes? You would like to what?”

Xavier inhaled, and then exhaled. To some of them, it sounded almost painful. He tried again.

“With your permission…” His eyes closed, bracing for the reactions of his peers. “I would like to seek out and destroy Drew and Zepher Blackwing.”

An audible hush descended on those around him. Many of them cast wary glances in his direction and concerned looks at each other. Tsunade and Silver began conversing in low volume. Mickey looked at his hands, sadly shaking his head. Only Gandalf, Yen Sid, Yamamoto and Aslan remained silent, their faces as unreadable as stone. Anxious to know what they were thinking, Xavier cautiously probed their minds.

“It is as I feared. The bane of every brother in arms has gripped him. Without the right kind of guidance, he shall bend to its will.”

“Revenge, that spiteful malice responsible for sending hundreds, if not thousands, to their doom swifter than due course would allow.”

“I have seen the same look in his eyes as I saw within those of my captains when Aizen betrayed us. Revenge only leads to destruction…and unnecessary murder.”

All he could read of Aslan was absolute love and pity. Master Yoda stood; his tiny figure was nearly unnoticeable amongst the disorder, but the other leaders ceased discussion immediately and gave him their full attention. The hermit’s voice was quiet and stern.
“Xavier, do not lose sight of the Force. If you exact destruction out of revenge, destroy yourself, you will.” The hero met his gaze unflinchingly.

“I’ve heard the stories, Master Yoda. I know about Anakin Skywalker and his ultimate fate to serve the Emperor. But rest assured, I have NO intention of letting that happen to me.”
“You’re missing the point.” McGonagall stated in desiccation. “It does not matter if you would be corrupted by our enemies or not, revenge is still revenge, regardless of the motive or target.” Heads bobbed up and down in response, showing their approval. Xavier grimaced and growled, showing his disapproval.

The Avatar Guru’s input further discouraged Xavier’s intentions. “Everything I’ve taught you has been on maintaining proper chakra flow, and I can tell that your flow is out of balance. Serenity, perseverance and meditation are three of the primary elements needed. I am displeased at how you seem to have forgotten my teachings so soon.” Shifu spoke a sudden notion, causing everyone’s thought trains to derail.

“Forgotten…or ignored?”

Their questioning glares both balked and angered Xavier. “Wha-I-I would never…!” Before he knew what he was doing, he was on his feet. “How dare you!” Following his outburst, Xavier realized what he had done only after witnessing the surprised looks flash across his superior’s faces, some of which were followed almost immediately by contempt and severe disapproval.

“Oh…M-Master Shifu. I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” His voice ceased as the kung-fu sensei raised his hand.

“No Xavier, you’re right. It was wrong of me to assume you would ignore everything we’ve taught you for the sake of revenge. I should have known that by now, and I deserve your anger for being a fool.”

This abrupt apology left the boy speechless. Lord Aslan filled the silence.

“Xavier.” The lion’s voice softly caressed his consciousness, instilling a sense of peace and security. “We know how you feel. You wish to use revenge as a means of bringing Drew and Zepher to justice.” His eyes were like windows, through which one could almost glimpse the tranquil sea. “But you must understand, there is more to this than a simple act of valor. It is an act of defiance and rebellion.” His colleagues reacted as though they had just been slapped.

“Lord Aslan, are you suggesting that he could turn traitor?!” Silver shouted indignantly. “After all we’ve strived for, after everything we’ve done together, he would just…go? Leave it all behind?” Narnia’s wise king shook his hairy head, causing his mane to rustle about like an autumn breeze.

“Never, young one. I am merely stating that, left to his own devices and passions, the boy could possibly pose a dire threat to all creation.” He paused. “In order for things to be set right, he must be taught how to control his emotions and learn as Lady Kitara has; the first step down the road of healing is not revenge, but forgiveness.” A few were left to consider this newfound truth; the rest, already knowing it, mentally sighed with relief.

Xavier, realizing his argument declared invalid and his wish denied, slumped in his chair. He felt drained, tired, and, more than anything, defeated. “But…all those men…th-they’re dead……how am I supposed to forgive those two after doing something like that?” He didn’t notice Aslan until his massive paw was resting gently on his shoulder.

“It will be hard,” he said, “but I have the utmost confidence you will succeed. Not today, nor tomorrow, but someday, you shall forgive them. When your heart is in the right place, you’ll know.” After friendly squeezing Xavier’s shoulder, he turned to leave. The others took this as a sign that the meeting was over. Filing past his seat, they offered him small words of condolence and encouragement, one by one following Aslan’s lead. Xavier sat alone for a while, reminiscing the last twenty or so minutes. He finally gathered the strength needed to slowly meander out the door and back to his quarters.

A vacation vocation was passed by the council the next day, approving permission (not that he’d asked) for Xavier to continue his training in a slightly more relaxed setting with people very much like him: teenaged superheroes. Protesting was out of the question; this motion would give him time to get his strength back, develop another power, and possibly make some new friends. They sent one of their operatives to relay a message informing the pre-chosen recipients of their new arrival, gave them twenty four hours to prepare, then off Xavier went…

To the land of the Titans.

~End of part 24
Voila! Part 24 is up. Sorry it took so long, I've been busy. Rate, comment, review and enjoy!

I own nothing in this story other than my OC Xavier.
Drew belongs to Lexart6.
Zepher belongs to his brother.
© 2013 - 2024 mickey16
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